Family Man
Despite being a public figure, Muhammad ﷺ was a family man. He had immense concern and empathy for his household and community. Muhammad ﷺ said:
“The best of you is he who is the best to his family, and I am the best among you to my family.” [Tirmidhi]
When Ayesha, the wife of the Prophet ﷺ, was asked how he occupied himself when he was at home, she said he helped with household duties, patched up his clothes, mended his shoes, and was a kind and affectionate companion. [Ahmad]
Humble Lifestyle
Prophet Muhammad ﷺ led a very simple and humble life. He advised his followers to be likewise and content with what they had. He said:
“Look at those who are less fortunate than yourselves, not those who are better off than yourselves, so you will not belittle the graces of Allah.” [Sahih Bukhari]
He achieved great success and victory, including the conquest of Makkah. The city which had treated him so cruelly and driven him away, was given back to him without the need for any bloodshed. The Prophet ﷺ rode into Makkah in complete humility and delivered a sermon to the assembled people. He spoke of brotherhood and equality of man.
Generous and Charitable
The Prophet of Islam ﷺ was conscious of his community and the poor amongst them. Although he had little wealth, he was extremely charitable and continuously emphasized the importance of giving charity. Muhammad ﷺ said:
Patient and Steadfast
Throughout his life, Muhammad ﷺ endured many trials and hardships and the ‘Year of Sadness’ was particularly poignant. Three years before the historic migration to Madinah, the Prophet lost both his beloved wife Khadijah, and his uncle Abu Talib, who had been a great supporter and sincere guardian.
These were two great associates of Muhammad ﷺ and after their deaths, the persecution of the Prophet and his small group of companions increased dramatically. Despite the pain and hardship, he remained patient and forbearing, uncompromising in his determination to spread the word of Allah.
Wise and Influential Diplomat
Muhammad ﷺ was an influential and charismatic leader who inspired, encouraged and motivated those around him. He led by example and practiced all that he taught. He was a visionary with exceptional wisdom and foresight. He made treaties and alliances with many tribes, which demonstrated great diplomatic skills built on morality and honesty.
He sat amongst his companions, ate with them and consulted with them. He also fought valiantly alongside them on the battlefield.
Epitome of Mankind
Throughout his life, Prophet Muhammad ﷺ maintained an impeccable demeanor. His character imbued virtue and righteousness. Allah approved of Muhammad’s legacy and said:
“Verily, you have in the Messenger of Allah an excellent example, for him who fears Allah and the Last Day, and who remembers Allah much.” [Noble Quran 33:21]
When Ayesha, the wife of the Prophet ﷺ, was asked regarding his character, she answered:
Muhammad ﷺ was gentle and forgiving. He was respectful and loving to the young and old alike. He promoted family unity, social cohesion and exemplified the virtues of maintaining good moral conduct at all times. He was an advocate of respecting parents, visiting the sick and maintaining the rights of neighbors.
He was a great leader, warrior, husband, father and role model for all mankind, until the end of time. He portrayed a message of peace, unity, morality and justice. He was Muhammad ﷺ, the last of the Prophets of Allah.
[Adapted from]