We are all familiar with the story of Maryam being given a child by Allah (SWT) – the miracle of the child of Isa (AS). Jibreel (AS) descended upon Maryam and informed her of her gift, but she was distraught, as she knew she would be unable to explain this sudden happening to her people. We learn from what Jibreel (AS) said, “You are not responsible for justifying this; in fact, tell them that you are fasting.” In Bani Isra’il, there was a fast where you would abstain from talking, just like how you would abstain from food and drink. So, she delivers the baby, and now it is time for her to go back to her people. As she is going back, some people spot her and say, “What is this? What a scandal! What have you done? You are from a good family, and we did not think you were capable of this.” Maryam did not say anything, and simply pointed to the child. They said, “How are we supposed to speak to a newborn child?” Now, the next miracle of Isa (AS) appeared. Allah (SWT) allowed him to talk as a newborn. Allah (SWT) quotes what Isa (AS) said at that time: “I am the slave of Allah. Allah has given me the book and has made me a prophet. I am a source of blessings, and I am blessed wherever I go. Allah (SWT) has given me instructions to pay salah, give zakat, and be dutiful to my mother; Allah (SWT) has not made me someone who is rude, cruel or wretched; Allah (SWT)’s peace and blessings are upon from me the day I was born, the day I will leave this world, and the day I will be resurrected.” (Quran 19 : 30-33). This is Isa (AS) introducing himself to mankind; the first thing that he says is “I am the slave of Allah” not “I am the son of Allah”.
As he grew up and many miracles appeared through him, Allah (SWT) gave him the instruction to invite people towards him. That same people who had been lost all this time and constantly going astray, who would constantly oppose their prophets and rebelling against them, refusing what the basic commandments of Allah (SWT) were. Isa (AS) then comes with these miracles to direct people towards the power of Allah (SWT) as a sign of proof that he was, in fact, the prophet of Allah (SWT). Now, with all of these miracles, he tells them, “Allah has sent me to you, and he has given me the knowledge of whatever books have been revealed; he has taught me the knowledge of the Torah and has given me the Gospel (Injil)”. He told them, “I am here to affirm the teachings of the Torah and Allah (SWT) has instructed me to legalize some things that were unlawful for you.” When he came out with this, the Bani Isra’il, who were not following the teachings of their prophets anyways, rejected his message because he wanted to change their teachings. Some people started following him from amongst Bani Isra’il. Before this, the group of Bani Isra’il was one religion, but after this, Bani Isra’il becomes divided in two; those who have seen his miracles and who believe in him, and those who didn’t. Additionally, there were those who acted like they were close to him in order to plot against him. What did they do? They went to tell the rulers of the land, “This man is leading us astray and will cause turmoil in your entire kingdom. You must get rid of him. We will help you.” Isa (AS), in the meantime, sees the opposition from the Jews and gets his disciples together, asking them, “Who is going to help me? Who will be my helpers to convey the message of Allah (SWT)?” his disciples said, “We will be your helpers. O Allah, write down our testimony.” But inside, they were plotting to get rid of Isa (AS). They made plans with the king to attack him where he was staying and have him arrested and executed. Allah (SWT) said, “They made their plan, and we made ours. Allah is the best of planners.” (Quran 3 : 54). Their plan was to trap Isa (AS) and Allah (SWT)’s plan was to save him.