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Lowering The Gaze
Lowering The Gaze
Lowering The Gaze
The word يَغُضُّ (yaghuddu) is derived from غضّ (ghadd), which means to bring down or to lower, (Raghib) lowering of eyes or to keep eyes down as enjoined in the verse, means to turn the eyes from something which is prohibited to be seen by Shari` ah (Ibn Kathir). Ibn Hibban has given the explanation that to look at a non-Mahram woman with intent to have (sexual) pleasure is totally prohibited, and to look without any such motive is makruh (undesirable). To look at any woman’s or man’s private parts of the body is included in this explanation (except in case of dire necessity, such as medical examination). Peeping into anyone’s house with the intent of finding out his secrets, and all such acts where looking is prohibited by Shari` ah are all included in the injunction. (24:30)In the initial part of this long verse the injunction is the same which has been enjoined on men-folk in the preceding verse, that is, keep the eyes down or turn away the eyes. Women-folk are also included in the injunction along with men, but in the next verse there is a separate injunction for them for laying more emphasis. Hence, it is clear that for women it is forbidden to look at any man except their mahrams. Many scholars have declared that it is absolutely forbidden for women to see non-Mahram men, irrespective of looking with bad intent and passion or without any intent and passion; in either case it is forbidden. For this ruling the argument, put forward in support is the hadith of Sayyidah ‘Umm Salamah ؓ which relates that once ‘Umm Salamah and Maimunah ؓ both were with the Holy Prophet ﷺ when suddenly ‘Abdullah Ibn ‘Umm Maktum ؓ ، the companion of the Holy Prophet ﷺ who was blind, came in, and the Holy Prophet ﷺ asked them to go inside. This incident had happened after the injunction of hijab for women was revealed. On this ‘Umm Salamah ؓ pleaded ` O Holy Prophet ﷺ ! But he is only blind, he can’t see us’. Then the Holy Prophet ﷺ replied ` Is it that you are blind too?’ (Abu Dawtid and Tirmidhi – Tirmidhi declared this hadith as hasan Sahih). Other jurists have ruled that there is no harm if women look at strange males without any passion. They base their argument on the hadith of Sayyidah ` A’ishah ؓ in which it is related that on an Eid day some African youths were showing their military exercises in the courtyard of the Mosque of the Holy Prophet ﷺ and the Holy Prophet ﷺ was watching this game, and so was Sayyidah ` A’ishah ؓ ، under the cover of the back of the Holy Prophet ﷺ . She kept on watching the game until she herself got tired of it, but the Holy Prophet ﷺ did not object to her watching. Scholars are all unanimous on the point that looking with lust is prohibited, but looking without lust is also not a preferred act.
You continue to follow a glance with another — another follows every
pleasant sight
You think that it’s the remedy to your wound, but in fact — it is a wound to
[Adapted from Ad-Daa Wad-Dawaae (Al-Jawab Al-Kaafi) by Ibn Al-Qayyim, English Translation by Osman Hamid (pg 340 – 343), Hikmah Publications [2020]]
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