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Complete Submission to Allah
Complete Submission to Allah
Ibrahim (AS) Submits Completely to Allah
Verse 131 defines the basic principle of the religion of Sayyidna Ibrahim (علیہ السلام) . Allah asked him to submit himself, and he willingly and gladly agreed to submit himself to “the Lord of the worlds.” Let us add that the word of command employed in this verse is Aslim اَسلِم ، which comes from the same root as the word Islam. It is difficult to find an exact English equivalent, for the word signifies “to obey, to submit oneself, to surrender one’s will.” Anyhow, we should notice that in reply to the divine command, he did not say, as one would have expected, اَسلَمتُ لَک : “I submit myself to you,” but, more elaborately: اَسلَمتُ لِرَبِّ الْعَالَمِين : “I submit myself to the Lord of the worlds.” This particular form of reply expresses the attitude of respect and awe proper to the occasion, and includes the praise of Allah which the moment of receiving the honour of divine address demanded.Surah Al-Baqarah, Ayah 208
Believers have been asked to ‘enter Islam completely’, not making allowances for a faith other than Islam – a divisive approach which makes one an easy target of Satan. Therefore, the prohibition ‘do not follow the footsteps of Satan’, an enemy who would cheat you into taking to something which obviously looks very much like your Faith, but happens to be totally contrary to it in reality. After having received clear laws and rules that lead to the straight path, there is no justification left for any deviation. Those who still slip, they must remember that Allah is Mighty, having the power to punish, and Wise too, lest one should misread any delay in punishment which comes when His Wisdom so dictates.Special Note
The verse holds out a stern warning to those who have got Islam all tied up with Masjid and ` ibadat عبادت (mosque and the performance of acts of prescribed worship) neglecting injunctions relating to social living and business and personal dealings as if they were no part of religion. This negligence is wide-spread among the ‘technically’ religious people who do not seem to care much about rights and dealings, especially social rights. It appears that they do not regard these injunctions to be the injunctions of Islam, neither do they make an effort to find out what they are, or try to learn them in an orderly manner, nor think of acting in accordance with these injunctions. We seek refuge with Allah.[Early Days From Al-Bidayah wan-Nihayah by Ibn Kathir, Darussalam 2010 Edition, Translation work supervised by Abdul Malik Mujahid]
[Surah Ibrahim, Ayah 35]
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