The Virtue of Showing Gratitude
Sayyidna ‘Abdullah ibn Mas’ud (RA) said: Sabr is the half of ‘Iman. Based on a narration of Sayyidna Suhayb (RA) appearing in the Sahih of Muslim and the Musnad of Ahmad, the Holy Prophet (SAW) has been reported to have said: Every state of affairs for a true believer is nothing but good. This is a quality of life no one else has been blessed with. This is because a true believer, if he finds comfort, blessing, honor or recognition, shows his gratitude before Allah Ta’ala for these which then be- comes a source of good for him both physically and spiritually (in the material world, the blessings Divinely promised increase, and abide, while in the world to come, the Hereafter, one receives the greatest of rewards for his or her gratitude). And, if a true believer is hit by pain or hardship, he observes patience against it. Because of his patience, that hardship turns into ease and comfort for him.
‘Iman is a priceless asset which transforms even shocks of hardship into drafts of comfort. Sayyidina Abu Al-Darda (RA) said that he had heard the Holy Prophet (SAW) say: Allah Ta’ala told Sayyidina ‘Isa (AS) I am going to create a community after you who are such that if they have what they desire and things turn out the way they want them to, then, they would be grateful, and if they have to face an unpleasant situation, against their wish and pleasure, then, they would accept it as a source of reward from Allah, and would observe patience. And this wisdom and forbearance demonstrated by them would not be the outcome of their own personal wisdom and forbearance, rather, We shall be bestowing upon them a certain part of Our Own Wisdom and Forbearance. (Mazhari)
[Above sections taken from Maarif ul Quran]