Once during a journeuy, Muadh (RA) was observing the prophet (AS) and the prophet (SAW) saw that Muadh wishes to speak, so he called Muadh (RA) closer, so much so that Muadh (RA) narrates that their camels were almost touching each other, moving along side by side. Muadh (RA) takes the permission of the prophet (SAW) and says, “O prophet of Allah, can I ask you something?” The prophet (SAW) says, “Ask whatever you feel like asking.” He said, “O prophet of Allah, there is a question in my mind that keeps me awake at night so much so that it makes me worried and sick. I have been meaning to ask you this question for a long time.” The prophet (SAW) said, “Tell me what it is.” He said, “O prophet of Allah, tell me such a way that will have me taken into Jannah and taken far away from Jahannam. What path can I take to enter Jannah and become distanced from Jahannam?” The prophet (SAW) said, “You are asking something immense. What you are asking for is, in fact, something very crucial; however, it is very easy for the people Allah (SWT) makes it easy for. Start with the basics; worship Allah (SWT) and do not commit any shirk no matter what happens. Stay firm and establish your salah.