As parents, we should act like parents, and as children, we should act like children. Our first duty in this world, after our duty to Allah (SWT), is to our parents, and parents are irreplaceable. So, may Allah (SWT) make us not from one of those people who are used as an example of the Day of Judgement, but rather, make us from one of the people whose punishments from Allah (SWT) is withheld because we are being good people, and really, if we are not good with our parents, then after that, does it really matter if we are good with anyone else? Those who gave birth to us and have the greatest right over us – if we do not acknowledge this, this means that we are not ready to do the basics of what is expected of us in this world.
In another hadith talking about reversals, the prophet (SAW), while enumerating the signs of the Day of Judgement, says, “A person will bring their friends close to them and push their parents away, even though the companionship of their parents is irreplaceable.” This person would spend time with other people in order to spend time and enjoy life with, meanwhile, their parents may be suffering, sad or unhealthy. They will say, “My parents are always giving me a hard time, but my friends don’t judge me or tell me what to do. These are the people who really care for me.” All of these types of conversations start occurring, and again, there is a reversal, that we should have kept our parents close to us but replaced them with complete strangers. These are all things that have been told to us so that we can abstain from them. May Allah (SWT) give us the ability to do the right things and make us from those who care for their parents in the way that we are supposed to.
[Mufti Aasim Rashid, Role Reversal Before the Day of Judgement]